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Dou / block

The dou (block) is one of three types of component in the bracket set; the others are the gong (arm) and the ang (lever arm). It acts as a seat for other components, such as a gong or a fang.
There are four types of dou:
  1. the lu dou , which is the lowermost dou in the bracket set and sits on a column or a lan'e. It measures 32 fen x 32 fen x 20 fen high and is the largest of the dou.
  2. the jiaohu dou, which sits at the ends of the transverse hua gong or an ang.
  3. the qixin dou, which sits at the centre of a gong.
  4. the san dou, which sits at the ends of a longitudinal gong, i.e., not a hua gong.

For drawings, see Liang 1983, 242.

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