The interpreter project

Run a grammar

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About me

About shape grammars


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The interpreter project

Set up

Create a grammar

Run a grammar

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The Yingzao fashi project

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A design specified by a grammar of two rules.


Your grammar should consist of at least one initial shape and one rule, and you should have done a Save or Save as.

Select the initial shape
  1. Click in the blank space on the right of the initial shape. It will become the current shape and appear on the current-shape canvas on the right.
    To see it in a 3D view, click on Tri. If it is too large for the canvas, click on Fit. To admire its 3D wonderfulness, adjust the theta and alpha values.

Calculate the next shape
  1. Select either 1) a rule and Show unique (one rule) or 2) Show unique (all rules). All the possible next shapes will be displayed in the next-shape window. If there is none, a message box will appear.
  2. Select one of the shapes in the preview window. The current-shape window will be updated. Repeat with the other shapes as much as you like. The shape displayed on the current-shape canvas is the current shape, and will be the basis of the next rule application.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you are satisfied or no next shape is possible.

Change your mind

You can undo and redo rule applications. Just select Go forward or Go backward.

Export the current shape to Rhino
  1. Select Derivation > Save derivation. A Save as dialog box will appear.
  2. Enter the name of the derivation (e.g., test). The system will add the suffix drv.
  3. Switch to Rhino.
  4. Select Tools > PythonScript > Run… from the menu bar. An Open file dialog box will appear.
  5. Select The final shape will be drawn in Rhino.

If this doesn’t make sense, try the manual or the video.


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Contact me

i (at) andrew (dot) li

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