The interpreter project

Set up

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About me

About shape grammars


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The interpreter project

Set up

Create a grammar

Run a grammar

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The Yingzao fashi project

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Sierpiński gasket

A Sierpiński gasket, specified by a grammar of two rules.


It’s simple.

  1. Make sure you have Windows and Rhinoceros installed on your computer. I’m using Windows 7 and Rhino 5, so I know this combination works.
  2. Download the archive (called, 3.7 MB). It contains these items:
    1. The grammar environment
    2. A folder containing the translator scripts
    3. Documentation, including a manual, a glossary, and sample grammars

If you’re hot to trot, now is a good time. If, on the other hand, you’d like to read some more instructions, go to the next page.

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Contact me

i (at) andrew (dot) li

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